Preventing Package Theft

Most consumers prefer to have their online orders sent straight to their house, which usually means the delivery company fulfilling the customer’s order will leave packages on the doorstep or in the mailbox. However, did you know that an estimated 23 million Americans have had packages stolen from their front porch or mailbox? This kind of theft is so common because it doesn’t require much stealth or skill. When packages are left visible, it's pretty easy for package thieves to quickly grab packages and walk away without ever being caught. Although it's not likely that this problem will disappear any time soon, there are a few ways to help prevent package theft.
Installing a Camera
Companies like Ring and Google Nest offer small and affordable security cameras that home owners and apartment residents can install to protect their home. While this doesn’t change the fact that packages are left visible, the presence of a camera is likely to deter package thieves out of fear of being caught.
Smart Lockers

Smart lockers are electronic lockers that accept deliveries, send alerts when a package arrives, and allow for contact-free package pick-up. Many companies like Amazon offer customers the option of having their package delivered to a smart locker at stores in their neighborhood. Most apartment buildings have some form of locker that residents can send their packages to, allowing residents to have peace of mind that their package is out of harm’s way. This is a great option if you know your package contains items of high value, as it keeps them hidden until you’re able to pick them up.
Package Tracking
Package tracking is useful for customers and the brand sending the package. For customers, a package tracking system allows them to estimate when the package will arrive. This allows them to plan around the package’s delivery to make sure they’re home to accept the package when it gets delivered to their doorstep. For e-commerce brands, package tracking takes some of the responsibility off the sender and allows for transparency between the customer and the brand. Amazon does a great job of this, providing updated tracking information throughout the shipping process, as well as uploading a photo of the delivered package so customers are aware that their order was completed.
Additional Tips

It can feel difficult to completely avoid package theft, but taking small precautions like asking a trusted neighbor to take your packages inside, or having packages delivered to your office rather than your home, can help prevent thieves from taking your belongings. Another option is to choose signature delivery when placing your order so that the package can’t be dropped off at your home when you aren’t around.
GCB Solutions has the experience and the resources to help you through any shifting trends in packaging or other issues you may be facing. Whether you are just beginning the design process or looking to make that final push to launch, we can help.
Call us at (904) 263-2804 or schedule a free consultation, today!